In dense urban environments, law enforcement agencies face a multitude of incidents that need to be handled with limited manpower. More and more of these agencies are turning to data-driven AI as a tool in their policing strategy.

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution is rapidly reshaping the way we live, work, and solve problems. Amid this technological transformation, however, a significant gap persists in the public’s understanding of AI and its implications for the future workforce. This was the central point of discussion at the Straits Times Education Forum 2024, held on 8 March 2024, in partnership with the Singapore Management University (SMU) and in support of SkillsFuture.

Sejak diluncurkan pada November 2020, ChatGPT telah menjadi topik perbincangan hangat di kalangan teknologi, media berita, dan masyarakat umum. Bentuk baru dari teknologi chatbot AI ini telah membuka pintu untuk berbagai kemungkinan baik untuk para individu maupun bisnis-bisnis, namun turut menimbulkan persoalan etika dan memicu kontroversi di seluruh dunia.

Social skills remain an advantage for analysts as AI cannot initiate personal interactions and engage in any form of teamwork that needs communication.

With the rise of the use of robot-analysts and AI tools to guide investment-making decisions, is the job of a financial analyst in question? Not the least - if they are socially connected on LinkedIn, have an MBA degree and have spent some years in the profession.

In the course of the past week, I am willing to bet that you have been asked by a machine to show that you are human. One website or two is bound to have ordered you to “prove that you are not a robot”, making you decipher letters and numbers, or choose all the pictures in a grid that feature traffic lights. Some tests can be frustrating when you simply cannot make out the squiggly text on the screen, or fail to correctly identify all traffic lights.