In 2019, the Singapore Management University (SMU) inaugurated a series of engaged discussions involving business, government and experts from academia, on topics that matter to the city.
"City Dialogues" aims to bring together invited delegates for frank and open discussions under Chatham House rules, to share ideas and best practices, at the end of which a White Paper is produced to summarise the key discussions and ideas arising that can create societal and community benefits. The views contained therein do not represent any official views from SMU.
Riccardo Maroso
Programme Manager
United Nations Human Settlement
Programme (UN-Habitat), Bangkok Programme Office, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP)
Past Event Highlight
Past Event Highlight
SMU City Dialogues #3: Keynote Presentation by Mr Riccardo Maroso
The inaugural SMU City Dialogues series continues in 2024, this time in Bangkok, Thailand. The dialogue in this series was titled "Growing Asia’s Secondary Cities".
During the 1-day event, we got to experience a keynote presentation delivered by Mr Riccardo Maroso, Programme Manager, United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat), Bangkok Programme Office, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP).