City Dialogues Vienna: What is the Value of Urban Resilience?

City Dialogues Vienna: What is the Value of Urban Resilience?

2 July 2025

09:00 AM - 3:30 PM

Vienna City Hall

Vienna, Austria

The risks associated with urban development in a climate-disrupted and a dynamic digital world are well known, and solutions that can reduce these risks abound. However, the actions that enable – or impede – these solutions vary from region to region and city to city. Hence, timely discussion to deploy these actions by governments, corporates, and communities is crucial.

In this City Dialogues, we will explore the multifaceted value of resilience through various lenses, including: economic benefits, social equality, environmental sustainability, public-private partnerships, innovation & technology, and more. Effective resilience strategies necessitate the integration of both ‘hardware’ – investment in robust, state-of-the-art infrastructure – and ‘software’ or ‘orgware’ – the capacity to adapt to new challenges, foster innovation, and establish new partnerships.

This dialogue aims to illuminate how these elements interplay to enhance urban resilience amidst rapid, and often disruptive, change.

Track 1
Economic Benefits & Public-Private Partnerships
  • 1. How might investing in resilience reduce long-term costs and attract private investment?
  • 2. How can collaboration between governments, businesses, and communities build more resilient infrastructure and services?
  • 3. What are the different temporalities of resilience?
  • 4. What are the spatial variabilities of resilience within and between cities/countries?
  • 5. What roles do stakeholders from the public, private, and people sectors play?
Track 2
Social Equity & Environmental Sustainability
  • 1. How can we ensure that resilience protects vulnerable populations and prioritises inclusive development?
  • 2. How can resilient cities contribute to climate adaptation, the reduction of carbon footprints, and the preservation of natural resources?
  • 3. What are the different temporalities of resilience?
  • 4. What are the spatial variabilities of resilience within and between cities/countries?
  • 5. What roles do stakeholders from the public, private, and people sectors play?
Track 3
Innovation & Technology
  • 1. How can utilising data, AI, and smart systems maximise urban resilience and ensure future-ready cities and communities?
  • 2. What are the different temporalities of resilience?
  • 3. What are the spatial variabilities of resilience within and between cities/countries?
  • 4. What roles do stakeholders from the public, private, and people sectors play?


Mr Jürgen Czernohorszky

Executive City Councillor for Climate, Environment, Democracy and Personnel, City of Vienna
