Similar to any organisation, owners in family firms can have disagreements that stem from different views, personalities, interests and priorities. But unlike non-family firms, such disagreements in family firms can spillover from the business into the personal domain and vice versa. 

Despite the growing urgency to bridge the gap between climate action goals and reality, much still has to be done. According to the UN Environment Programme Emissions Gap Report, emissions from 2023 put the world on a path to a temperature rise of around 2.7°C by 2100, almost twice the Paris Agreement goal of 1.5°C at the end of the century.

Asian cities like Singapore, Bangkok, Manila and Ho Chi Minh face very real risks of huge economic losses should their adaptation measures be inadequate. Singapore faces up to 20.2% gross domestic product (GDP) loss in a two-degree warmer scenario, a warning of how adversely megacities will be affected.

A lower middle-class family is tasked with the upkeep of a new garden and street planting installation touted to provide environmental benefits to their city and local community. Instead of relaxing in their downtime, they spend hours on manual labour; weeding, watering and tending to the city’s much-celebrated “green infrastructure.” This was the case with a community in Los Angeles (LA), USA, found Sayd Randle, Assistant Professor of Urban Studies, in her paper “Ecosystem duties, green infrastructure, and environmental injustice in Los Angeles.

An organisation can signal its commitment to sustainability through green certification and labels, or marketing campaigns with messages of environmental stewardship. However, according to Thomas Menkhoff, Professor of Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources and Dr Kevin Cheong, Adjunct Teaching Mentor at SMU, making bold statements and focusing solely on operational changes such as the eradication of single-use plastics is not enough to drive meaningful change.

Higher education has been central to Singapore's rise as one of the world's strongest economies. Now, these Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) have an additional role in shaping, influencing and contributing to Singapore's Green Plan 2030, a plan that sets out the Republic’s aspirations for a green, sustainable and resilient economy. This was the central point of discussion at the Straits Times Education Forum, held on 11 March 2023, in partnership with the Singapore Management University (SMU).

The demand for talent in the field of sustainability is increasing, but the amount of expertise in the field is thin. As more nations take the step towards transitioning to greener and more sustainable economies, there is a need to develop workers with the necessary skills through a sustainability talent pipeline (a pool of candidates ready and equipped to take on the positions).