According to a December 2018 UN report on worldwide use of single-use plastics, 127 countries have “adopted some type of legislation to regulate plastic bags”. These include the 28 member states of the European Union, who last month voted to ban single-use plastic cutlery, straws, and cups by 2021.

SMU Industry Leaders Virtual Dialogue featuring Mr Chartsiri Sophonpanich

How can you change a 2.6-million-year-old habit?

That’s when humans first added meat and marrow to their diet, providing us with a rich (and delicious) source of protein, iron, zinc, B vitamins, as well as essential fatty acids.

The latest report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) looks at the impacts, adaptation and vulnerabilities associated with the climate crisis, and we are three of the 270 scientists and researchers who wrote it. The document reports stark new findings on the way current global warming of 1.1℃ is impacting natural and human systems, and on how our ability to respond will be increasingly limited with every additional increment of warming.

In an episode of Changemakers' Conversations, a panel of speakers share their journeys on creating value in sustainability.

In the ‘Science’ section of Impossible Foods’ website is a page with the giant headline: HEME + THE SCIENCE BEHIND IMPOSSIBLE™. The page explains thus:

“Heme is what makes meat taste like meat. It’s an essential molecule found in every living plant and animal -- most abundantly in animals -- and something we’ve been eating and craving since the dawn of humanity.”

Price points, fundraising, and scaling are the unavoidable and necessary parts that turn sustainability dreams into reality. It helps to have investors that believe in both the mission and business.

Price points, fundraising, and scaling are the unavoidable and necessary parts that turn sustainability dreams into reality. It helps to have investors that believe in both the mission and business

Imagine if you could make sustainable living interesting and fun, and more importantly, ensure that efforts to go green are truly tangible.

For Alibaba Group’s Ant Financial (renamed as “Ant Group" in 2020), its corporate social responsibility (CSR) project, Ant Forest, is the real deal.

So how did a China fintech company pave the way in gamifying green behaviour?

“Green economy” and “green finance” are common buzzwords these days as the world faces a deluge of environmental crises. But what exactly is a green economy, and how do we navigate the web of ESG impact measurement?

Last Update: 12 June, 2023

Rising environmental problems and concurrent increase in public awareness have influenced the uptake of responsible investments in sustainable organisations. Referred to as impact investing, it generates a financial return, more specifically when accompanied by a disclosed intention to draw and measure social and environmental benefits. Taking into consideration the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors of investment products, investors may work towards achieving a portfolio that aligns with their goals and values.