In dense urban environments, law enforcement agencies face a multitude of incidents that need to be handled with limited manpower. More and more of these agencies are turning to data-driven AI as a tool in their policing strategy.

From telemedicine booming through the COVID-19 era, the rise in wearable devices to the latest advances in artificial intelligence and big data analytics: digital applications have the potential to unlock immense opportunities for public and private organisations in the realm of healthcare. And startups are well placed to take advantage of such nascent technologies and opportunities.

Between 2012- 2017, the iconic Rizal Monument in the city of Manila sparked discussions about the importance of preserving and respecting one’s heritage. The building of a high-rise condominium directly behind the monument caused an outrage among many citizens who saw it not only as an eyesore, but an act of disgrace towards a beloved national figure.

World Car-Free Day, celebrated annually on 22nd of September, is an initiative that promotes the notion of car-light societies and encourages citizens around the world to rethink their dependence on private cars for transportation. With 20% of the world’s carbon emission currently being transport-related and this number continuing to grow, any step towards better efficiency holds great promise in solving this global challenge.

During Singapore’s circuit breaker period, various incidences of the elderly flouting safe distancing rules emerged in the media, leading to conce

What are some of the secular drivers of growth in Asia today?