Political Leadership in the Digital Age

Political Leadership in the Digital Age

His Excellency Mr Xavier Bettel

11 November 2016

4.00pm - 5.30pm

SMU Mochtar Riady Auditorium


The 21st century is marked by technological upheaval and rapid globalisation, posing both challenges and bringing opportunities. Emerging technologies demand constant adaptation, prompting a need for political leaders to establish cooperative and sustainable policies. Strategic realignments and fresh partnerships can foster a cycle of mutual gain and enhanced dialogues in societies and governments, leading to innovative solutions to complex socio-economic problems. If engineered and executed well, this framework could enable digital advancements to bolster a nation's economy, societal well-being and governance.

His Excellency, Mr Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister of Luxembourg, shared insights into political leadership in the digital age; the need for political leaders to embrace these opportunities on national, regional and global scales; and how this approach ensures prosperity and stability for generations.

  • Stability, innovation and adaptiveness are crucial for creating an attractive business environment in the 21st century.
  • With globalisation, governments will need to re-engineer relations and identify new strategic partnerships.
  • Education, critical thinking and openness to expert advice are essential for political leaders who seek to serve their constituents effectively.


His Excellency Mr Xavier Bettel

Prime Minister

  • On the need for holistic economic policies

    Diversity is a prerequisite for a sound economic policy. I'm convinced that we should not look exclusively at growth and investments from an economic or business perspective. Investments in culture, education and science are, in the long-run, the most powerful tools for sustainable economic growth.

    Diversity is a prerequisite for a sound economic policy. I'm convinced that we should not look exclusively at growth and investments from an economic or business perspective. Investments in culture, education and science are, in the long-run, the most powerful tools for sustainable economic growth.

    His Excellency Mr. Xavier Bettel
    Prime Minister

Political leaders need to embrace new opportunities at national, regional and international levels, together with wise and respectful management of our planet. In the face of climate change, limited natural resources and a rising population, this will guarantee prosperity, stability and peace.

Political leaders need to embrace new opportunities at national, regional and international levels, together with wise and respectful management of our planet. In the face of climate change, limited natural resources and a rising population, this will guarantee prosperity, stability and peace.
His Excellency Mr. Xavier Bettel
Prime Minister

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