Leadership in a Networked World

Leadership in a Networked World

Ms Rosabeth Moss Kanter

3 November 2014

5.00pm - 6.30pm

SMU Mochtar Riady Auditorium


In today's interconnected and fast-paced world, the traditional top-down hierarchical models are no longer as effective as they once were. Instead, leadership in the networked world is characterised by a shift from command and control to collaboration and empowerment.

Rosabeth Moss Kanter, a seasoned expert in organisational management, provided tangible illustrations of how effective leadership strategies can be applied. Having earned an extensive experience working with Fortune 500 companies, she distilled the secrets of success of networked leadership with real-world examples, including IBM, P&G, General Electric, Volvo, Gap Inc, and Honeywell.

  • A firmly established sense of purpose can drive innovation and foster the expansion of companies.
  • A robust sense of purpose can aid companies in resolving conflicts and enhancing collaborative efforts more efficiently.
  • A company's capacity to attract and retain top talent is significantly bolstered by a well-defined sense of purpose.


Ms Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
"50 most influential business thinkers in the world" (Thinkers 50)

  • On the power of true leadership

    The big things we don't do alone, the small things we can all do independently. But they're so much better when there's true leadership; leadership that fosters a sense of purpose. The purpose reminds us every day why we're doing this, even when we're down in the weeds, and it's looking pretty grim.

    The big things we don't do alone, the small things we can all do independently. But they're so much better when there's true leadership; leadership that fosters a sense of purpose. The purpose reminds us every day why we're doing this, even when we're down in the weeds, and it's looking pretty grim.

    Rosabeth Moss Kanter
    Professor of Business Administration
    Harvard Business School

Rosabeth Moss Kanter during her lecture at Singapore Management University

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