The Future of EU Trade Policy in Asia

The Future of EU Trade Policy in Asia

Ms Cecilia Malmström

8 March 2017

5.15pm - 6.15pm

SMU Mochtar Riady Auditorium


European Union (EU) Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström reaffirmed the EU's resolute dedication to foster an environment of open and equitable trade. Her remarks came during a notable lecture that held a dual significance - commemorating both the 60th anniversary of the historic Treaty of Rome and the 40th anniversary of the pivotal EU-ASEAN relationship. In this dynamic discourse, she emphasised the EU's unwavering commitment to advancing the principles of free and fair trade, especially as the global landscape undergoes rapid and transformative changes.

As she concluded her remarks, it became clear that the EU Trade Commissioner's words represented a tangible roadmap that sought to concretise the principles of free and fair trade within an interconnected world.

  • Globalisation is not something that we must either oppose or submit to, but something to harness and shape for greater shared prosperity.
  • The European Union is committed to standing up for the prosperity and the progress it promises, for the benefit of its citizens.
  • The EU supports ASEAN's 2024 agenda for economic integration through bilateral trade agreements and enhanced value chains.


Ms Cecilia Malmström

Commissioner for Trade European Union

  • On the EU's commitment to free and fair trade

    "Free trade, fair trade" is not just a slogan. It's been in our DNA since our foundation in 1957. Our societies and economies are fundamentally open and rely on that openness in troubled times for global trade. We will stand up for the prosperity and the progress it promises.

    "Free trade, fair trade" is not just a slogan. It's been in our DNA since our foundation in 1957. Our societies and economies are fundamentally open and rely on that openness in troubled times for global trade. We will stand up for the prosperity and the progress it promises.

    Ms Cecilia Malmström
    Commissioner for Trade European Union

Our values, such as human rights, the rule of law, and protecting the environment - these values improve stability and sustainability. They strengthen relations not only economically but also politically, and trade policy should support these values.

Our values, such as human rights, the rule of law, and protecting the environment - these values improve stability and sustainability. They strengthen relations not only economically but also politically, and trade policy should support these values.
Ms Cecilia Malmström
Commissioner for Trade European Union

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