Rise of AI & The Challenges of Human-Aware AI Systems

Rise of AI & The Challenges of Human-Aware AI Systems

Professor Subbarao Kambhampati

2 April 2019

5.00pm - 6.30pm

SMU Mochtar Riady Auditorium


Researchers in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have a longstanding ambivalence to AI on how it can replace and augment human abilities. However, as AI technologies enter our daily lives at an ever-increasing pace, there is a greater need for AI systems to work with humans more effectively. AI systems have to pay more attention to aspects of intelligence that help humans work with each other – including emotional and social intelligence.

Professor Subbarao Kambhampati (Rao) gave his perspective on the status and recent progress in AI, and the heightened public expectations surrounding it. He also touched on designing AI systems that could interact and collaborate smoothly with humans, including modelling the mental states of humans, recognising their desires and intentions, providing proactive support and building trust.

  • AI systems should model human intentions and beliefs to improve human-machine understanding and explainable behaviour.
  • AI technology can be harmful. Data bias & the ethical implications of AI that manipulate beliefs must be addressed.
  • AI should enhance human capabilities, not replace them. Data semantics need to be better understood to prevent spurious correlations.


Professor Subbarao Kambhampati

Professor of Computer Science
Arizona State University

  • On how AI is revolutionizing knowledge

    AI systems in recent years have found significant success in learning classic knowledge from data. This has led to some interesting ramifications both within and outside the field. AI remains a potent tool as well as a weapon, and the new breakthroughs bring both risks and rewards.

    AI systems in recent years have found significant success in learning classic knowledge from data. This has led to some interesting ramifications both within and outside the field. AI remains a potent tool as well as a weapon, and the new breakthroughs bring both risks and rewards.

    Subbarao Kambhampati
    Professor of Computer Science
    Arizona State University

Everyone talks about Pandora's box anytime they don't like the technology, but people don't read the rest of it. After Pandora opens the box and the demons fly away, she finds hope in the box. I still think there's a lot of hope for using technology wisely. You just have to be careful how you do it.

Everyone talks about Pandora's box anytime they don't like the technology, but people don't read the rest of it. After Pandora opens the box and the demons fly away, she finds hope in the box. I still think there's a lot of hope for using technology wisely. You just have to be careful how you do it.
Subbarao Kambhampati
Professor of Computer Science
Arizona State University

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